Monday, June 30, 2008

Fractal Edge is Over -- Ready Set Go starts!

Fractal Edge is over. I took down the show today. There was so much time invested in the show. I am sad to see it close. I feel like I lived the show for two months. Hosting the artists at my home. Some of the art being created at my home. Sponsors flying over from Tokyo. Crazy times. Now, onto the next show............

This show looks so good. These 5 ladies did an amazing job. If you are in Portland, come by and check it out.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Opening Night for Fractal Edge

The live paint starts.

Norman flew in from Tokyo for the show. Norman, me, Ayumi, Aaron (apak) and Beth.
Mhak and Oeil live paint.
Happy art buyers.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Gallery Wall Preparation

Oeil and Mhak painting the entrance to the gallery.

Just a few more days until the opening. The walls will have a nice balance between the geometric black and white work of Oeil and the curvy colors of Mhak.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

OEIL arrives

OEIL and MHAK unpacking the art.

It's like an art bomb exploded in my house.